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Living Directly

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How it Works:

  • Facilities list their available rooms and you connect with them directly.
  • Every room listed on Room & Care is available for immediate move-in.
  • No account required to see rooms, prices, or to contact facilities directly.

Save Money by Booking Direct

Room & Care does not charge facilities any “Placement” or “Referral” fees that brokers and agencies charge. A referral fee equals your loved one’s entire first month rent - paid by the facility to your agency or broker. The average referral fee is $4,500 for Assisted Living and $9,500 for a Nursing Home. By eliminating these fees, facilities can charge you less when you book through Room & Care directly.

Types Of Living

These are the different types of assisted living you will find on Room & Care.

Adult Family Homes

Adult Family Homes - known by many terms, such as Board and Care Homes, Residential Care Homes and Adult Foster Homes - are essentially regular residential homes in regular residential neighborhoods. They have been modified to strict guidelines in order to accommodate elderly and disabled adults. Caregivers ...offer residents assistance with daily activities such as dressing, grooming, and bathing. Meals, housekeeping and laundry are usually included. Some homes have a part-time or visiting nurse. Residents receive daily personalized care in an intimate home-like setting. Adult Family Homes can house no more than 6 residents in some states, and up to 10 in others.
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Assisted Living Facilities

These larger communities offer residents a different atmosphere of living. Caregivers offer residents assistance with the same Activities of Daily Living (ADL) but in a more populated apartment / resort style setting. Meals, housekeeping and laundry are usually also included. Residents ...can socialize in common areas and eat together in large dining rooms. Some may offer part-time nursing services. Some Facilities house over 100 residents, while 60-70 is normal. Assisted Living Facilities typically have a lower ratio of staff to residents than Adult Family Homes, and therefore may not accommodate residents who require constant round-the-clock care.
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Independent Living

Independent Living is also typically located in large apartment / resort style communities. Independent Living communities offer a safe living environment for residents who are independent and need virtually no assistance with Activities of Daily Living. Some ...add-on services such as dining plans, house-keeping, laundry, and certain medical care may be available. Many communities offer higher levels of care such as Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing or Memory Care within the same building or campus - in case a transition is ever needed.
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Nursing Homes

Nursing Homes - also known as Skilled Nursing Facilities, provide the highest level of professional care of all the different Types of Living. Skilled Nursing Facilities are reserved for residents who require specialized care by a skilled nurse. A doctor’s referral ... is typically required to be admitted into a Nursing Home. Caregivers assist residents with Activities of Daily Living, and skilled nurses provide round-the-clock medical care for those with more complex health needs. Nursing homes must have a skilled nurse or nurse’s aide available on staff 24/7.
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Memory Care

The staff at Memory Care Facilities is specially trained and licensed to care for residents suffering from Alzheimer's / Dementia. In addition to their special certifications, facilities must also have special locks on all exit doors to prevent residents from wandering away. Caregivers may ...assist with any daily activities such as dressing, grooming, eating and bathing. Meals may also be included depending on the care plan. Aside from dedicated Memory Care Facilities, Memory Care can also be found across all the other types of living - as long as they are licensed and certified for Memory Care.
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Other Benefits of Direct Contact with Elder Care and Assisted Living Communities

Straight to the Source

Get accurate information the first time with direct communication. Each listing offers up to 3 ways to connect directly with the home or facility– Chat, Call and Text.

Compassionate Help

Connect with caring staff members at each facility who know what you’re going through – not an agency sales person working on commission.

Full Control

Nobody knows your loved one’s tastes and preferences better than you do. You are in full control over which home or facility is the best fit.

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