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Please select the primary payment source that will be used to pay for care in an Assisted Living Facilities. This will narrow your results to only the facilities that accept your payment source.

Payment Options for Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted Living Facilities offer residents a different atmosphere of living. Caregivers offer residents assistance with the same Activities of Daily Living (ADL) but in a more populated apartment / resort style setting. Meals, housekeeping and laundry are usually also included.

Private Pay

Private Pay stands out as the most direct and often the clearest route to covering the costs of Assisted Living Facilities. This method entails out-of-pocket expenses for care services, presenting the highest level of flexibility in selecting facilities without the constraints tied to insurance policies or governmental assistance programs. It’s ideal for individuals or families who have financially prepared for long-term care, possibly through savings, retirement accounts, or other financial instruments. When contemplating the Private Pay option, consider the following:

  • Evaluate the long-term financial viability of paying out of pocket.
  • Understand how private payments affect your options for facilities and the breadth of services available.
  • Think about consulting a financial advisor to manage your resources efficiently, ensuring they sustain long-term care needs.
Private Pay Option for Adult Family Homes

Long Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance is crafted to cover expenses that traditional health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid might not, including costs associated with Assisted Living Facilities. This insurance can considerably alleviate the financial strain of long-term care, assuming the policy was acquired before there’s a need for care. Key points to consider include:

  • Thoroughly review your policy or potential options to grasp the coverage specifics.
  • Check the benefit amount, whether daily or monthly, the duration of benefits, and any applicable waiting periods.
  • Given that policies can vary widely, make sure yours specifically covers Assisted Living Facilities.


Medicaid represents a vital financial support system for those with limited income and assets, offering coverage for a variety of long-term care services, including those provided by Assisted Living Facilities. Nonetheless, Medicaid eligibility and benefits can differ dramatically from state to state. Key considerations for Medicaid include:

  • Navigating Medicaid eligibility requirements, which involve income, assets, and needed care level.
  • Confirming whether your chosen Assisted Living Facility accepts Medicaid as a payment option.
  • Reaching out to your local Medicaid office or a Case Manager to determine your eligibility and to understand the coverage scope in your state.