Frequently Asked Questions

Can anybody list a room on Room and Care?
What is the difference between the Base Price and the Final Price?
Should I choose a Residential Care Home or an Assisted Living Facility?
How does the Room & Care work?
How do I know what type of care my loved one needs?
How much does assisted living cost?
Can Medicaid cover the cost of assisted living?
Is Assisted Living the same as a Nursing Home?
Can my loved one bring their own furniture?
Can my loved one have visitors at the home or facility?
What is a Level of Care Assessment and how do I get one?
Are pets allowed?
Can my loved one still drive while living in a care home or facility?
Can my loved one receive medical care at a residential care home or assisted living facility?
Can my loved one continue receiving home health care while living in an assisted living facility or residential care home??
Can my loved one have a private room in an assisted living facility?
Can my loved one still participate in their favorite activities?
Can my loved share a room with a roommate or spouce/partner?
Can my loved one have a private bathroom?
How do I pay for assisted living services?
Can my loved one have their own phone and internet access in an assisted living facility?
Still can’t find your answer? We cover lots of relevant topics in our Blogs. If you can’t find your answer there, please Contact Us
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